Money Game Blog

Allowances and Children: Some Simple Facts of Life

By |2017-01-18T08:12:06-04:00August 17th, 2009|Allowance News, Financial Literacy News, Latest from Elisabeth|

It's hard to disagree with the idea that in life we trade one thing for another. We trade our time and energy for money. We trade our time and energy for food, water, shelter, protection, and a whole lot more. In addition to trading 'things', we trade 'ways of being'. Adults trade being good employees, [...]

Teach Your Kids About Identity Theft!

By |2017-01-18T08:12:06-04:00May 5th, 2009|Financial Literacy/Intelligence, Latest from Elisabeth|

In any economy, it's a known fact that there are people who do unscrupulous activities to make money illegally by using other's people identities. Knowing this, you can teach your children some very basic precautions to minimize their risk for having their identity stolen and used against them when they get older. Here there are... [...]

Raise Children with Unlimited Beliefs!

By |2017-01-18T08:12:12-04:00March 23rd, 2009|Latest from Elisabeth|

Sometime during our childhood, we make decisions about our possibilities and our limitations instead of enhance them. It’s only when we’re adults that we hopefully realize that we generally get what we argue for in life and we get what we truly want in our lives.  Before I go on, I found this great video [...]

Ultimate Allowance author Elisabeth Donati has honor of interview with Robert Allen (video)

By |2017-01-18T08:12:13-04:00January 31st, 2009|Allowance News, Latest from Elisabeth|

For all of you financial freedom fans, you probably are not only aware of Robert Allen but you've read several of his books, especially Multiple Streams of Income. On my recent Internet Marketing Cruise (Jan. 09), I had the honor of asking Mr. Allen three specific questions: 1) How he learned about money and wealth [...]

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