Allowance News

Ultimate Allowance Questions from Dad

By |2017-01-18T08:11:55-04:00May 3rd, 2011|Allowance News|

Because I constantly check in with the folks who purchase The Ultimate Allowance, I frequently get questions in my email box about little things (which are always big things:-). Usually they are simple but here are a few I thought I'd share from a dad with three sons. He's about to start the 8-year old [...]

Two Great Ways to Turn Your Children into Budding Entrepreneurs

By |2017-01-18T08:12:05-04:00January 18th, 2010|Allowance News, Latest from Elisabeth|

For anyone to do anything, they usually have to have a compelling reason to do so. Regardless of age, doing something 'just because' doesn't generally work too well. This is the exact reason why you must help children provide their own compelling reason for starting a business. Let's take, for example, two situations for have [...]

Allowances and Children: Some Simple Facts of Life

By |2017-01-18T08:12:06-04:00August 17th, 2009|Allowance News, Financial Literacy News, Latest from Elisabeth|

It's hard to disagree with the idea that in life we trade one thing for another. We trade our time and energy for money. We trade our time and energy for food, water, shelter, protection, and a whole lot more. In addition to trading 'things', we trade 'ways of being'. Adults trade being good employees, [...]

Ultimate Allowance author Elisabeth Donati has honor of interview with Robert Allen (video)

By |2017-01-18T08:12:13-04:00January 31st, 2009|Allowance News, Latest from Elisabeth|

For all of you financial freedom fans, you probably are not only aware of Robert Allen but you've read several of his books, especially Multiple Streams of Income. On my recent Internet Marketing Cruise (Jan. 09), I had the honor of asking Mr. Allen three specific questions: 1) How he learned about money and wealth [...]

Why Allowances for kids are so important.

By |2008-09-30T23:03:52-04:00September 30th, 2008|Allowance News|

You may be thinking to yourself, “Is there something I can do to make sure my kids don’t move home after they move out?” In other words, you want a way to make sure they grow up to be financially self-reliant. I’m here to say, 'Yes, there are some relatively simple steps you can take [...]

Recession Proof Your Kids

By |2008-07-23T20:32:50-04:00July 23rd, 2008|Allowance News, Financial Literacy/Intelligence, Latest from Elisabeth|

A few weeks ago I got a call from’s Tamara Schweitzer, one of the online magazines staff writers on the subject of “How to Recession-Proof Your Kids”. There were several great contributions to this article, including yours truly. It's worth your time to check it out), and this is especially true if you have [...]

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